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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school


If you are moving into Albrighton we would encourage you to visit our welcoming, friendly and vibrant school! Our headteacher Mrs      Milhavy-Jones would be delighted to show you around and our children are always happy to share their school experiences with visitors. Phone our office on 01902 372885 for further information or to answer any other questions you may have.

In-Year Admissions

 From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.

 We welcome prospective parents to visit our school.  If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy - Homepage (

 Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

Children in England are now entitled to start school in the September following their fourth birthday and must start their education by the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday.

Here at St. Mary's we appreciate the importance of making the right school choice for you and your child. We welcome visits to the school and are happy to answer any questions. We also have extensive transition arrangements to ensure that your child settles into school life and is happy in their learning.

All applications for Reception places are handled by Shropshire LA - so please make sure your form is handed in by the annual deadline!

Please note: Even if you are the parent of an older child who already attends the school, you still need to complete a Shropshire Education Services admission application form for a younger sibling nearing school age.