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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school


Wrap Around Care Provision

Opening Hours Term Time Only

7.30am  - 8.40am

3.20pm - 5.30pm 

Link to our ARK online booking system 

ARK Registration Form

ARK Policy

ARK Terms and Conditions

Parent Guide First Steps

Parent Guide How to Add or Cancel Sessions

 St Mary's operates its own Wrap Around Care 'ARK' on the school premises both before and after school, during term time for pupils of St Mary's.  ARK has the same ethos and high expectations as our school. 

Parents wishing to use ARK should read the Policy and Terms and Conditions listed above before returning a completed registration form direct to the school office (paper copies are also available from the school office).

On receipt of your completed registration form, you will receive an email with a link to our online booking system, MagicBookings.  The online booking system gives you complete control over your child's bookings, allowing you to book and cancel sessions at your convenience.  

ARK payments can be made through MagicBookings, Childcare Voucher schemes or by sQuid, the school cashless payment system.

Emergency provision is also available for parents who are not registered with our online booking system but wish to use the ARK ad hoc depending on availability, please contact the school office should this be required.

Children have the choice of a range of activities at the ARK provision and we have been busy planning our new Outdoor Area.


 Extended Schools Manager - Mr S Holmes - Deputy Headteacher.