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St Mary's CE Primary School

st mary's CE primary school

OWL - Outdoor Woodland Learning

Here at St. Mary's one of our unique features is our Woodland Outdoor Area. Each class enjoys learning in the Owl environment and undertakes curriculum linked lessons which include activities such as  music making, cookery, fire making, den building, craft skills and a whole host of other exciting activities.  Over the Summer we have built a brand new OWL shelter.




St. Mary's has a compulsory OWL uniform that consists of a green hoodie and grey t shirt - purchased through Crested Schoolwear. 

Children should wear black leggings or black jogging bottoms. They should bring in wellies or sturdy outdoor footwear in a named bag. 

In colder months, please ensure that your child brings in a coat everytime they have OWL.

Waterproof coat/trousers are essential in wet weather. 

In summer months please ensure that your child has had suncream applied in the morning and brings in a sunhat. 

On their OWL days, children come to school in their OWL uniform.