Collective Worship
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." - Proverbs, Chapter 22, verse 6
'Collective worship, sometimes called assembly, is central to the life of the school and makes a significant impact on pupils’ lives.' (SIAMS Report)
Reverend Mary Thomas and Reverend Jess Harper from St.Mary's Church and the Padre from RAF Cosford come into school regularly each term to lead acts of collective worship.
Our approach to collective worship is based upon Values for Life :
Courage, Trust, Friendship, Generosity, Service, Respect, Perseverance, Hope and Justice.
Each term we focus on one of the above values.
The daily acts of collective worship are planned to give everyone a variety of experiences to develop spirituality through reflection, as well as an understanding of Christianity and aspects of other faiths and cultures. The experiences include involving children in sharing relevant stories from the Bible, Images, Drama, Poetry, Prayers, Music, Audio Visual and Singing. They enable us to reflect on and respond to things which we, as a school community, believe are important in preparing children to be responsible citizens now and in the future.
At important times in the church calendar parents and friends are invited to join us for services in the church or in school.